Qi Gong Classes

MONDAYS,  from 1:15 pm – 2:15pm. for Members. (please note time change)

New Classes: Sept. 9th to Oct. 21st. (no class Oct. 14th).  Register by Sept. 2nd. in person or by email.

Next Set of Classes begins on November 11th for 6 weeks. Registration is required by November 4th.

Qi Gong (said “chee gong:), is an ancient Chinese meditation and movement type of exercise. It involves movement,  breathing techniques and meditation. (it is similar to Tai Chi but has more movement techniques). A great workout!  Please wear comfortable clothing and bring your own water.

Cost: $35 for 6 weeks. (cash or cheque accepted in advance or on the first day of class). Email to register: [email protected]