
FRIDAYs, 12:30 – 3:00 pm. Start: January 17th.  There will be no Darts on Thursdays for January.

If you are interested in the game of Darts, playing on a professional Dart board, please send your name and number to: [email protected]. REGISTER BY THE WEDNESDAY before the Friday game.

Dart Games require registration so that we know how many would like to play. Cost: $2.00.

More tutorial dates to learn will be added according to interest/need.

Learn Italian

TUESDAYS, 1:00 pm – 2:15 pm; For Members.

Classes will likely start again in spring.

Ciao! Would you like to learn the harmonious language of Italian? This group is for those who do NOT speak Italian but would like to learn some common words, phrases, etc. Our instructor is from Italy and would like to share her language and pictures with members. We will have refreshments & dessert on the last class. This is an informal class and a fun way to meet other members who love languages!

Please send your name and phone number to be added to the wait attendance list  (email: [email protected])


News & Views

Wednesdays, 2:15 pm – 3:30 pm. For Members only. 

Do you enjoy discussing or listening in about current events? Do you want to stay informed about what is happening in our community, in Canada and around the world? Then this is the group for you!  The moderator will share lesser known but fascinating news from the areas of Science, History, Technology, World news.

You can listen in or share your comments as this is an informal and easy going group. Discuss, Debate, Learn Together. Hope you will join us!