All donations go towards the programs and services offered at the Centre.
The Islington Seniors’ Centre is a registered charitable corporation and for any donation of $10.00 or more, you will receive a receipt that may be used for income tax purposes. You can mail in a cheque or make an electronic donation.
All monies donated to the Centre goes towards the programs or the purchase of supplies for the programs. At present, we would like to buy new seat cushions for our chairs, new cups and saucers for our socials and new bookshelves for our books to name a few. If you would like to donate towards these items, it would be greatly appreciated. The Centre has been operating for 60 years so some of our items need to be refreshed or updated!
We partner with CanadaHelps to process our donations. You have the option of sending a donation with your name; in someone else’s name; in memory of a member; or you can send a donation anonymously. You will receive an electronic donation receipt automatically. The Centre then receives a notification of your gift. We sincerely thank-you for your contribution to the Centre.